Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is Wind?

History of wind power

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This is a copy from the 19th century of the panemone that was pictured in the earliest design.


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This is a horizontal axis windmill.

farmers fan mills

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This was the style that the farmers used.

steel blades

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wind farms

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So it can generate to more houses

How a Wind Mill Works?


Advantages and Disadvantages


They don't use non-renewable resources.

They don't pollute the air with carbon dioxide.

They don't leave radioactive waste.

Land around windmills can still be used for other purposes (like agriculture.)

Windmills can make electricity for individual buildings. In a natural disaster, these buildings would be self-reliant.


Some birds have been killed by wind turbines.

Wind mills are expensive to build.

They take up a lot of space.

It costs more money in the short term for the electricity than for electricity created by fossil fuels.

Turbines can be damaged in thunderstorms.

Some turbines produce noise that bothers neighbors.

The electricity produced by windmills can't be stored.

Some people think they are ugly and don't want to live nearby.


National Geographic Young Explorers November-December 2009 page 13